170 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal tracer variability in the glacier melt end-member - How does it affect hydrograph separation results?

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    Geochemical and isotopic tracers were often used in mixing models to estimate glacier melt contributions to streamflow, whereas the spatio‐temporal variability in the glacier melt tracer signature and its influence on tracer‐based hydrograph separation results received less attention. We present novel tracer data from a high‐elevation catchment (17 km2, glacierized area: 34%) in the Oetztal Alps (Austria) and investigated the spatial, as well as the subdaily to monthly tracer variability of supraglacial meltwater and the temporal tracer variability of winter baseflow to infer groundwater dynamics. The streamflow tracer variability during winter baseflow conditions was small, and the glacier melt tracer variation was higher, especially at the end of the ablation period. We applied a three‐component mixing model with electrical conductivity and oxygen‐18. Hydrograph separation (groundwater, glacier melt, and rain) was performed for 6 single glacier melt‐induced days (i.e., 6 events) during the ablation period 2016 (July to September). Median fractions (±uncertainty) of groundwater, glacier melt, and rain for the events were estimated at 49±2%, 35±11%, and 16±11%, respectively. Minimum and maximum glacier melt fractions at the subdaily scale ranged between 2±5% and 76±11%, respectively. A sensitivity analysis showed that the intraseasonal glacier melt tracer variability had a marked effect on the estimated glacier melt contribution during events with large glacier melt fractions of streamflow. Intra‐daily and spatial variation of the glacier melt tracer signature played a negligible role in applying the mixing model. The results of this study (a) show the necessity to apply a multiple sampling approach in order to characterize the glacier melt end‐member and (b) reveal the importance of groundwater and rainfall–runoff dynamics in catchments with a glacial flow regime

    Lady Di - die Moderne Madonna

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    Die authentischen Bekundungen von Trauer und WertschĂ€tzung, die der bei einem Autounfall in Paris ums Leben gekommenen Prinzessin Diana weltweit entgegengebracht und seit Jahren von mehreren Seiten instrumentalisiert werden, sind unĂŒbersehbar. Das Leben und Sterben der Prinzessin von Wales ist nach Ansicht der Autoren geeignet, einer populĂ€ren Mythenbildung in der modernen Gesellschaft Substanz zu verleihen. Vor allem bietet es die Möglichkeit, einen modernen Kult zu etablieren, der sich im Zuge politischer OpportunitĂ€ten und kommerzieller Interessen steuern und nutzen lĂ€sst. Doch was machte Lady Di zu einer derart idealen Kultfigur? Die Autoren zeigen in ihrem Beitrag, dass die Formen der alltĂ€glichen Ehrbezeugungen und der Idolisierung der "Königin der Herzen" auffallend der einer christlichen Heiligen Ă€hnelt. Die massenmediale Modellierung und die drĂ€ngenden Erwartungshaltungen ihrer Verehrer formten sie zu einer der herausragenden sĂ€kularen Heiligen des ausgehenden 20. Jahrhunderts und posthum zu einer Ikone, die mit den unspezifischen religiösen Orientierungen einer modernen Gesellschaft korrespondiert. (ICI2

    Lady Di - Die moderne Madonna

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    Die authentischen Bekundungen von Trauer und WertschĂ€tzung, die der bei einem Autounfall in Paris ums Leben gekommenen Prinzessin Diana weltweit entgegengebracht und seit Jahren von mehreren Seiten instrumentalisiert werden, sind unĂŒbersehbar. Das Leben und Sterben der Prinzessin von Wales ist nach Ansicht der Autoren geeignet, einer populĂ€ren Mythenbildung in der modernen Gesellschaft Substanz zu verleihen. Vor allem bietet es die Möglichkeit, einen modernen Kult zu etablieren, der sich im Zuge politischer OpportunitĂ€ten und kommerzieller Interessen steuern und nutzen lĂ€sst. Doch was machte Lady Di zu einer derart idealen Kultfigur? Die Autoren zeigen in ihrem Beitrag, dass die Formen der alltĂ€glichen Ehrbezeugungen und der Idolisierung der 'Königin der Herzen' auffallend der einer christlichen Heiligen Ă€hnelt. Die massenmediale Modellierung und die drĂ€ngenden Erwartungshaltungen ihrer Verehrer formten sie zu einer der herausragenden sĂ€kularen Heiligen des ausgehenden 20. Jahrhunderts und posthum zu einer Ikone, die mit den unspezifischen religiösen Orientierungen einer modernen Gesellschaft korrespondiert. (ICI2

    Striking structural and functional similarities suggest that intestinal sucrase-isomaltase, human lysosomal α-glucosidase and Schwanniomyces occidentalis glucoamylase are derived from a common ancestral gene

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    AbstractSequence comparison of the primary structure of the yeast Schwanniomyces occidentalis glucoamylase (GAM) with GAMs in different microorganisms did not reveal significant similarities. By contrast, striking similarities were, surprisingly, found with 3 mammalian secretory and integral membrane proteins: the 2 subunits of intestinal brush border sucrase-isomaltase and human lysosomal α-glucosidase. The similarities among these proteins are found as clusters of up to 8 amino acids and distributed all over the protein sequences. The major sequence differences are found in the N-terminal regions accounting, probably, for the different cellular locations of these proteins. The high level of similarities between sucrase, isomaltase, Sch. occidentalis GAM and human lysosomal α-glucosidase suggest that these proteins are derived from the same ancestral gene. To our knowledge, this is the first report that describes similarities between a yeast secretory protein and mammalian secretory and integral membrane proteins

    Structure-function-relationship in thylakoids influenced by the pyridazinone BAS 13-338 (SAN 9785)

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    The pyridazinone SAS 13-338 (SAN 9785) inhibits the desaturation sequence leading to polyunsaturated fatty acids, mainly of glycolipids. Parallel to the inhibition of fatty acid desaturation in the presence of the pyridazinone. changes in energy-distribution parameters have been observed. These data indicate that the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in glycolipids is strongly correlated with excitation, trapping, grouping and dissipation, but not with spillover. Functional changes in energy distribution induced by SAS 13-338 are interpreted as a consequence of structural changes in the lipid matrix, which may imply a structure-function relationship between pigment protein complexes and the surrounding lipid environment in thylakoids

    In situ RHAMM protein expression in acute myeloid leukemia blasts suggests poor overall survival

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    Treatment options for patients with high-risk acute myeloid leukemia (AML) include high-dose chemotherapy regimens in combination with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, which takes advantage of the donor T-cell-mediated graft-versus-leukemia effect. Together with beneficial responses observed in assays targeted at leukemia-associated antigens (LAA), this encouraged research on cancer vaccines and adoptive cellular therapies in AML. The receptor for hyaluronic acid-mediated motility (RHAMM, CD168) was identified as one of the most promising LAA in AML. Thus far, little is known about in situ expression in leukemic bone marrow blasts or the prognostic role of RHAMM and its interaction partners in AML. We immunohistochemically analyzed the expression and prognostic significance of RHAMM on trephine bone marrow biopsies from 71 AML cases that had been evaluated for cytogenetics and presence of FLT3-internal tandem duplications and NPM1 mutations. Fifty-five patients (77%) were treated with curative intent, while 16 (23%) received the most appropriate supportive care. Twenty of 71 (28%) AML cases were considered RHAMM+. Receiver operating characteristic curves showed significant discriminatory power considering overall survival (OS) in AML patients treated curatively for RHAMM (p = 0.015). Multivariable analysis revealed that expression of RHAMM in >5% of leukemic blasts identifies a subgroup of curatively treated cases with adverse OS independent of failures to achieve complete remission. RHAMM not only represents a promising LAA with specific T-cell responses in AML but, if assessed in situ on blasts, also a probable prognostic facto

    A Novel Data Fusion Technique for Snow Cover Retrieval

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a novel data fusion technique for improving the snow cover monitoring for a mesoscale Alpine region, in particular in those areas where two information sources disagree. The presented methodological innovation consists in the integration of remote-sensing data products and the numerical simulation results by means of a machine learning classifier (support vector machine), capable to extract information from their quality measures. This differs from the existing approaches where remote sensing is only used for model tuning or data assimilation. The technique has been tested to generate a time series of about 1300 snow maps for the period between October 2012 and July 2016. The results show an average agreement between the fused product and the reference ground data of 96%, compared to 90% of the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data product and 92% of the numerical model simulation. Moreover, one of the most important results is observed from the analysis of snow cover area (SCA) time series, where the fused product seems to overcome the well-known underestimation of snow in forest of the MODIS product, by accurately reproducing the SCA peaks of winter season
